Get Aza-verified and earn up to USD 10 per original article

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Hello friends.

Azaland Platform is offering an opportunity to everyone to join our team of Verified writers. Submit quality original articles on relevant topics and earn between 100 Gems (updated) to 1,000 Gems (about $10) per article.

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Subjects/topics relevant to money, banking, finance, budgeting, forex, blockchain etc are accepted so that Verified writers can develop original articles on them and earn. Also, verified writers can seek approval to write on relevant articles of their choice even if not on the list of areas earlier mentioned.

1a. You must become Azà-Verified (Earn) member before you can earn from submitted qualified articles.

1b. During paid subscription period (monthly or yearly), Verified subscribers enjoy full privileges, and can submit maximum of 1 article every workday, (Monday to Friday only) that's total 20 articles per month, earning 100 to 1,000 Gems per approved article, depending on length and justified quality on a scale of 1 to 10, ten being the highest quality original content.

2. Articles must be quality and unique - not copied verbatim from online sources. We reject plagiarism vehemently.

3. Articles must be of good length, at least 5 paragraphs, with each paragraph of at least 4 quality sentences long.

4. Articles will be relevant to the tone of this community: Personal finance, banking, money, blockchain, business, startups, scams, and more.

5. Article must impact knowledge, solve real life problems and be relevant to current trends.

Below are 2 sample quality original articles to emulate.

1. how-adapt-quickly-the-new-cashless-new- ... -t176.html

2. how-block-bank-atm-card-when-lost-stolen-t182.html

1. How to invest in Treasury Bills (Written)
2. How the Stock Market works (Written)
3. The Japa process: the various costs to travel overseas
4. How to permanently quit sports betting and gambling (Written)
5. How to open domiciliary accounts in Nigerian banks (Written)

See full list of suggested topics here: topics-available-for-aza-verified-write ... -t258.html

They are regularly updated.

Let's start with these topics. As a Verified Aza member, indicate your interest in any topic via comment on this topic:
topics-available-for-aza-verified-write ... -t258.html

Right now, the selection process is very strict and only few writers will be chosen among numerous applications.

To get verified:

Simply follow How To Get Aza Verified On Azaland Hub - 2 Steps Only to request Azà Verified Membership.

Your application will be reviewed quickly, and result communicated.

Stay tuned and follow this topic.
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Financial Literacy is the possession of knowledge, skills and behavioral traits that help an individual make informed decisions regarding money. 💰

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