The Youth Moment

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Over the years their has been a system of government where the youths are left out in political practices and participation.
The government was been controlled by the older men and their behaviors, they make rules just in their favors, while scrapping out the main reasons and objectives of while they were elected .
Firstly Nigerian practice in democracy, which is said to be the government of the people for the people and by the people, but Nigerian leader practiceses and engagements has shown over the years that they are no where closer to democracy.
Because it's so glaring that no development, in any sectors in Nigeria can 💯 operate without fuggazi .
The Youths in this 21st century are educated and has, putting an epic effort on saying no to bad operation of police brutality and has publicly given a mandate of their choice which they all believe will secure and redeem the nation from the odds which has been placed for years, with everything efforts and contributions, Nigeria youth came out in mass to campaign, and invested seen the best to be accomplished.
But a particular party called APC who has been ruling for about 8 years now after taken power from PDP, has been ruling without fulfilling what and reason they have been voted for, they have govern with insecurities, lack of jobs, lack of medical and educational adequate facilities. woefully they have failed the Nigerian, and currently they same party has stolen the mandate of the youths who won the election and they are still stealing from other level of government.
The pain in our dear youths heart won't heal for long 💔
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:thinking: .... the youth moment
Financial Literacy is the possession of knowledge, skills and behavioral traits that help an individual make informed decisions regarding money. 💰

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