Do victims of Ponzi Schemes deserve our sympathy? I think No.

We cannot fully cover money and banking without touching on various ways to lose money
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Ponzi Schemes: well known, yet massively patronised.

Sometimes I feel that victims of Ponzi Schemes should not be sympathised with. Guess why?
ponzi scheme image.png
Because as Yoruba says: Eni ton wa ifa nwa ofo!

It literally means the people patronising such schemes often times know what they're in for a d they know the risks involved and what could eventually be the fate of their investments.

So, each time I learn that another Ponzi just crashed, I rarely pity the victims.

Fact is: some interest rates (ROIs) are just not sustainable, and we know it. Yet Nigerians still want to cash out quickly. Many will still be trapped in. What a repeated mess.

I stand to be corrected,…

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