Developing the Azademy Modular Curriculum - Azaland Learning

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The Azademy is one of the roadmap projects and a crucial component of The Azaland Project Ecosystem. Azademy is a modular learning e-ground, covering important aspects of Financial Literacy education, touching both #TradFi and #DeFi and everything in-between.
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It has modules targeted at 3 main categories of attendees:

1. Kids
2. Young Adults
3. Adults

Likewise , it covers the following 7 custom-made aspects of Financial Literacy as deemed fit by the Azaland Project: tagged The 7 Smarts.

1. Know Smart
2. Earn Smart
3. Spend Smart
4. Bank Smart
5. Invest Smart
6. Risk Smart
7. Smart BWC

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Financial Literacy is the possession of knowledge, skills and behavioral traits that help an individual make informed decisions regarding money. 💰

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