Money and religion: how do we balance it?

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These days it is no gainsaying that money is involved in everything to the point that we are tempted to say everything is about money.

Religion had money revolving around it. Churches are seen emphasizing tithes and offering.

Many can allege that many so called pastors who claim ti have been called by God are simply looking for means of survival and feed.

Question is: how do we find a balance between money and religion?
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Now, this is a valid topic of discussion.

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Religion do not stop you to earn money. Just follow legitimate path

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Janishar wrote: December 27th, 2024, 8:46 pm Religion do not stop you to earn money. Just follow legitimate path
Valid point.
Financial Literacy is the possession of knowledge, skills and behavioral traits that help an individual make informed decisions regarding money. 💰

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