The Tokenization of Aza Gems: What it Means For Azaland and You

(1920 reads) See also ► How can I mine $Aza Gems on Azaland?  

This section is all about the Blockchain Technology and all its applications
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The Azaland Project has the mission of a Global Financial Literacy Advocacy. On our local platform, this is a gamified project which rewards contributors of quality content as well as referrers equally. However, this project has grown bigger faster than envisaged.

To cater for the global growth, the Aza Gems have been tokenized and launched on the BNB Smart Chain network. The announcement was made late last month. However, for the sake of financial literacy and education, it becomes important that this future-now field of Blockchain technology is well explained to our community members very clearly.

What are Aza Gems?
Aza Gems are the e-currency of Azaland community. It takes the gamificat…

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Financial Literacy is the possession of knowledge, skills and behavioral traits that help an individual make informed decisions regarding money. 💰

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