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Roadmap Global Acticities of the Azaland Project

Posted: April 10th, 2024, 1:51 pm
by Jared
We have a lot in store for the world.

As stated categorically based on research, only 33.3% (1 in 3) of people are considered to be financially literate. The situation is found to be worse in African countries. Here comes Azàland.

To drive the Financial Literacy Advocacy globally starting from an African nation, we shall:

1. Establish and support Financial Literacy Clubs in 210 Nigerian Tertiary Institutions, including universal, colleges and polytechnics. This will be replicated in many other African nations like Ghana, South Africa, and beyond Africa.

2. Organise workshops, seminars, roadshows and talks to sennsitize select audiences of the need and how to be financially literate.

3. Establish Azademy - a globally accessible learning platform partnering with the right online and offline educational institutions of learning, where certified knowledge of personal finance and also as instructors will be administered.

4. And many more....
Stay tuned.