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5 Money-Sucking "Demons" You Didn't Notice Are Draining Your Pocket

Posted: January 14th, 2024, 11:03 pm
by Jared
Today on Azàland, I share with you 5 money-sucking "evil spirits" (demons, monsters) that are draining your pocket, and are swallowing your salary even without you noticing in today's economy. And, yes, that is one benefit of financial literacy, which Azaland is all about promoting: being able to identify such monsters and avoiding them.

Financial Literacy skills and knowledge will safeguard you from these demons that keep wrecking havoc to many people's financial livelihood.
What are these demons?

1. Excessive Internet Data Subs:
Sincerely, it seems Naija networks have a data-evaporating policy. Because the burn rate of the data bundles are just bewilder…

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