✓ The Pump and Dump Scheme Exposed: Recognizing a Scam Before You're Duped

This is the Scam Watch section of Azaland. Share experiences, ideas, news of frauds, scams and everything related.
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As an investor, you need to remain vigilant. Unfortunately, there are those in the markets looking to take advantage of others to line their own pockets. One such nefarious scheme that has ensnared many an unwary investor is the 'pump and dump.' The perpetrators of this scam artificially inflate the price of a stock through false or misleading positive statements, then sell their shares for a profit before the stock crashes back to its true value. By the time the duped investors realize the deception, the scammers have disappeared with their money. However, with knowledge and awareness, you can avoid becoming a victim of this fraudulent trap. In this article, we will explore exactly what a p…

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